• Chemistry researcher beats stop-and-go traffic

    William Beaty, a research scientist in the chemistry department discovered what he calls "traffic fluid dynamics," while watching drivers interact on the 520 bridge.
    08/11/2013 | NPR
  • Regulating electron 'spin' may be key to making organic solar cells competitive

    According to UW Research, a polymer discovery could make organic solar cells more competitive.
    08/07/2013 | UW Today
  • Natural affinities may have set stage for life to ignite

    The chemical components crucial to the start of life on Earth may have primed and protected each other in never-before-realized ways, according to new research led by University of Washington scientists.
    07/29/2013 | UW Today
  • Early detection of lysosomal diseases

    Michael Gelb, professor of chemistry, talks with KUOW about the costs and benefits of early detection of lysosomal diseases.
    04/03/2013 | KUOW
  • Infant test for debilitating diseases set for mainstream

    Early newborn screening techniques developed by two UW chemistry professors are drawing interest from companies that could use them in tests distributed nationally and around the world.
    04/01/2013 | UW Today
  • Beer's bitter compounds could help brew new medicines

    The findings of research employing a century-old observational technique could lead to new pharmaceuticals to treat diabetes, some types of cancer and other maladies.
    01/29/2013 | UW Today
  • A Chemistry Milestone: Creating Artificial Enzymes

    Scientists have long dreamed of creating artificial enzymes, with the potential for "greener" approaches in manufacturing, pollution abatement, and other fields, but the challenges have seemed insurmountable. Now a team of UW scientists has created one of the first artificial enzymes from scratch.

    September 2010 Perspectives
  • New Life for Aging Labs

    The UW's aging freshman chemistry laboratories have been described as "something out of Dickens." With renovations, they are now ready for the 21st century. 

    February 2008 Perspectives
  • Science by Kayak

    UW students and sixth graders at TOPS, a K-8 school, conduct water quality experiments in the classroom and then in kayaks on Lake Washington. 

    July 2007 Perspectives
  • Lessons from the Holocaust

    New courses in the Department of History explore the tragedy of the Holocaust. 

    March 2004 Perspectives
  • Trisha Brown, in Stereo

    Choreographer Trisha Brown is the focus of a series of coordinated events on campus this spring, including an exhibition, lectures, performances, and master classes. 

    March 2004 Perspectives
  • The World According to Nanometers

    Scientists at the Center for Nanotechnology are asking big questions using technology that allows them to study at the smallest scale. 

    March 2004 Perspectives
  • A New Approach to Fighting Malaria

    A research team that includes Michael Gelb, professor of chemistry, received the Project of the Year Award from the Medicines for Malaria Venture for research on parasites that cause malaria and sleeping sickness.

    October 2003 Perspectives
  • A Space Odyssey for A&S Alumni

    Five A&S alumni who have been astronauts talk about their experiences.

    October 1998 Perspectives