• UW study: How parents talked about Black Lives Matter differed by race

    A new study led by researchers at the UW and Northwestern University found about 80% of parents spoke to their children about the Black Lives Matter movement within a year of the murder of George Floyd. Andrew Meltzoff, professor of psychology and co-director of the UW Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, is quoted.
    02/21/2024 | The Seattle Times
  • A Closer Look at Teens & Digital Technology

    The impact of digital technology on teens' mental health is the focus of a new course developed by Lucia Magis-Weinberg in the UW Department of Psychology.

    February 2024 Perspectives
  • Should social media pay for addicting kids? Seattle schools lawsuit gains steam

    A year into Seattle Public Schools' lawsuit against social media companies, the case is gaining traction. More than 50 school districts in Washington state — and dozens more across the country — have joined Seattle’s lawsuit. Lucía Magis-Weinberg, assistant professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
  • Protecting Ghosts of the Forest

    Lisa Dabek (PhD, Psychology, 1994), senior conservation scientist at the Woodland Park Zoo, studies and protects tree kangaroos in the cloud forests of Papua New Guinea. 

    January 2024 Perspectives
  • Opinion: America is averting its eyes from something very, very wrong

    "For some people, social media is inconsequential — a cat photo here, a banana slip TikTok there. For others, it’s all-consuming — a helpless catapult into a slurry of anxiety, self-harm and depression...But social media use also differs by race and ethnicity — and there’s far less discussion of that," writes columnist Pamela Paul. Lucía Magis-Weinberg, assistant professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    The New York Times
  • Happiness boosters: Smiles, gratitude, a wandering walk

    While the seasons and our genetic dispositions play a role in our ability to feel happiness, our daily actions and choices also have a significant effect, experts say. Milla Titova, assistant teaching professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    Axios Seattle
  • Holiday blahs? Why social connection, even talking to strangers, can help

    Milla Titova, assistant teaching professor of psychology and director of the Happiness and Well-Being Lab at the UW, offers strategies for joy this holiday season.
    UW News
  • Small UW study on alcohol, caffeine, sleep yields ‘unexpected finding’

    UW researchers discovered an “unexpected finding” while studying the effects of alcohol and caffeine on sleep. Frank Song, a doctoral student of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    The Seattle Times
  • UW study asks: Can caffeine and booze cancel each other out at bedtime?

    Researchers from UW’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences discovered that drinking your morning coffee and then an alcoholic beverage before bed cancels the negative effects on your sleep. Frank Song, a doctoral student of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    KIRO 7
  • 'It makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong.' How tweens are navigating social media's beauty standards

    Tweens growing up with social media are inundated with rapidly changing beauty standards and the social pressure to conform to them. Lucía Magis-Weinberg, assistant professor of psychology at the UW, is interviewed.
  • Crow-Calling in the Experts (part one)

    An interview with Dr. Loma Pendergraft on crow vocalization. Pendergraft — a current psychology lecturer in animal behavior-related classes — found interest in the noises the crows on the south side of the UW campus made as he fed them. This curiosity led to the experiment that comprised his master’s degree. 

    The Daily UW
  • We are First-Generation: College of Arts & Sciences Students and Alumni

    In the College of Arts & Sciences, we are proud to celebrate our first-generation community through a collection of stories! We honor our students and alumni, and their many contributions to our university community and beyond.

    10/15/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Tasha Mosher

    "I would encourage first-gen students to never stop asking questions. I was often far too shy to do this during my undergraduate years. It took a long time to figure out how things worked and even longer to figure out how to succeed in academic spaces. There are UW employees whose sole role is to support you in this journey so find out who they are!" - Tasha Mosher, M.A. Applied Child & Adolescent Psychology: Prevention & Treatment

    College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Yasmin Garfias

    Yasmin Garfias (B.A. Psychology, 2021), Graduate Student, M.A. Special Education with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis, 2025

    College of Arts & Sciences
  • We are First-Generation: College of Arts & Sciences Faculty and Staff

    In the College of Arts & Sciences, we are proud to celebrate our first-generation community through a collection of stories! We honor our faculty and staff, and their many contributions to our university community and beyond.

    10/05/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences