
  • Tom Mara, SIFF exec, is preserving Seattle’s film history at the Cinerama

    Tom Mara, who helms the Seattle International Film festival, is making history by transforming the Cinerama into SIFF Cinema Downtown. While at the UW, Mara studied broadcast journalism, which pointed him toward work in public radio.

    12/13/2023 | UW Magazine
  • I am First-Generation: Alexes Harris

    "Have faith in yourself. Guide the decisions you make with YOUR passions, YOUR insight, and YOUR questions, what feels good to YOU! Do not let others or your fear force you in a certain direction or limit your potential. I always said, and continue to say to myself, that the only person I am competing with in life is myself.  Do not let anyone hold you back. Ask tons of questions, do not be afraid to ask for support or help when you need it. The smartest people stop and ask for help or clarity when they are unsure. Listen to advice, but seek it from many people and use what resonates with you the most. Do not be afraid to fail or stumble. Everyone does!  Also, have fun." – Alexes Harris (B.A., Sociology), University of Washington Presidential Term Professor, Professor of Sociology; Faculty Regent to the University of Washington Board of Regents; and UW Faculty Athletics Representative

    10/25/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • Kay Tomita Hashimoto's First-Generation Story Remembered

    Kay was and remains the ultimate role model for all of her children. Making her way through four years at the UW, graduating, and finding work in journalism in the late 40s and early 50s, only a few years after the end of WWII, were huge accomplishments and showed a lot of grit and determination. For her kids, what was most inspiring was that she never complained about the hurdles she encountered, but faced each day with positive focus.

    10/19/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Reneé Diaz

    "Stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing the challenges of being a first-generation college student allowed me to leave a strong mark in the Husky community. I am grateful for the experiences and people I encountered along the way. I look forward to continuing my journey in the world of journalism – uncovering and sharing the stories that matter the most." – Reneé Diaz (B.A. Communication: Journalism and Public Interest Communication, 2023)

    10/18/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Usha Varanasi 

    "I believe that the journey should be as much fun, and as fulfilling, as reaching the goalpost, which may shift and thereby make life more challenging and interesting. Use the philosophy in this famous quote that 'nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm because enthusiasm urges you to do your best.'"- Usha Varanasi (Ph.D., Chemistry, 1968) , UW College of Arts & Sciences Chemistry Professor

    10/18/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • We are First-Generation: College of Arts & Sciences Students and Alumni

    In the College of Arts & Sciences, we are proud to celebrate our first-generation community through a collection of stories! We honor our students and alumni, and their many contributions to our university community and beyond.

    10/15/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Yasmin Garfias

    Yasmin Garfias (B.A. Psychology, 2021), Graduate Student, M.A. Special Education with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis, 2025

    10/10/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First Generation: Sariah Burdett

    "My parents had always encouraged me to go to college but as an Autistic kid from the middle of nowhere, I thought I wouldn’t be able to succeed in higher education and was destined for a small-town life. It wasn’t until Mr. Sugitan, my 10th grade English teacher, pushed the class to consider college and took our class on a field trip to UW that I could see myself succeeding in a big university like UW. Thanks to his encouragement, I dedicated myself to going to a university, preferably UW." - Sariah Burdett (B.A., History, Korean, and Asian Languages & Cultures, 2022), Program Coordinator, Department of French & Italian Studies

    10/07/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Tiana Cole

    "Being a first-generation graduate is meaningful to me because it represents an accomplishment in my life that was once not attainable for my ancestors. My college experience gave me an opportunity to find my voice and understand the ways that I can cast my influence to positively impact and uplift others. I believe that first-generation college students and graduates bring unique insight that can transform our communities to become stronger, healthier, and more equitable. It is rewarding to be a part of a community that is creating pathways for others to follow behind, while also contributing to inspiring others that adversity can lead to unveiling our innate qualities and passions." - Tiana Cole (B.A., Journalism and Public Interest Communications, 2021), Program Administrator for UW Continuum College

    10/07/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Andrea Pardo

    "As a transfer student, I was in a situation where I would not have been admitted to UW Seattle as a high school applicant. I needed that additional foundation at a community college to prepare me for the University and show the UW I was capable of academic achievement. After two years at the UW, I just felt like I wasn’t 'done' — so being here, belonging and becoming a staff member means being an example and showing how the differences in a diversity of backgrounds is what strengthens our entire community here at the UW." - Andrea Pardo (B.A., Comparative History of Ideas, 2006), Graduate Program Manager for Biology

    10/07/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Jeanette M Bushnell

    "I researched what I did not find in academia. I sought out scholars already in the academy who practiced pedagogies that were aligned with my philosophy and understanding of the world.  With their work as a foundation, I have become more comfortable with the soundness of my own teaching/learning relationships and practices." - Jeanette M Bushnell (Ph.D., Women Studies, 2010; B.S.N., 1975; M.N., 1979), Faculty Instructor: Department of Comparative History of Ideas; Interdisciplinary Honors

    10/05/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • I am First-Generation: Leo Carmona

    "I think that my experience as a first-gen really gave me an awareness of and empathy for the world around me that is reflected across all areas of my work. Since my college days, the concepts of social justice, cultural identity, diversity, and inclusion became fundamental aspects of how I approach my personal and professional life — from the stories I want/need to share, the communities I want to make an impact on, to voicing my ideas and concerns on practices that will improve the experiences and outcomes for all students, staff, and faculty." - Leo Carmona (B.A., Psychology, 2016), Media Relations Specialist, School of Art + Art History + Design

    10/05/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • We are First-Generation: College of Arts & Sciences Faculty and Staff

    In the College of Arts & Sciences, we are proud to celebrate our first-generation community through a collection of stories! We honor our faculty and staff, and their many contributions to our university community and beyond.

    10/05/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • US Poet Laureate and UW Drama alumnae Ada Limón announced as a 2023 MacArthur Fellow

    Counterbalancing grief with wonder in works that heighten our awareness of the natural world and our connections to one another.

    10/04/2023 | MacArthur Foundation
  • I am First-Generation: fabian romero

    "I was 24 years old when I found support to apply for college. This support came from other first-generation college students who noticed my curiosity and inquisitiveness and sat with me while I applied. That support led me to graduate with a four-year degree and then be accepted to the University of Washington as a graduate student. Now that I am a professor, I want to continue to pass forward this support to first-generation students, to pursue paths deemed impossible or unlikely because of where we come from and who we are." - fabian romero, alum (Ph.D. Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies)

    10/03/2023 | College of Arts & Sciences