
  • Shaping the Future

    In the hands of the UW’s influential industrial designers, form and function combine to make art. The School of Art + Art History + Design is mentioned.

    09/30/2023 | UW Magazine
  • Poetry for the Moon

    A poem by alum Patricia Clark (BA, 1974), about a UW astronomy class she took 51 years ago, is now headed to the moon on a NASA flight. 

    July 2023 Perspectives
  • Nacogdoches artist to be featured in Washington D.C. ‘Women to Watch’ exhibition

    Arely Morales (MFA 2017) was selected to participate at the National Museum of Women in the Arts' Women to Watch 2024 exhibition in Washington DC next April. Also featured in a KTRE 9 article. 

    KTRE 9
  • Seattle comedian inspires young readers to be themselves in new book

    Seattle-based Korean American comedian Ellen Acuraio, a UW alum with a degree in Photography and Art History — and a TikTok creator with over half a million followers — has released a new children's book: "Be You: Adventures of Penguin and Panda." The book is illustrated by Tremain bowman, who Acuraio connected with on TikTok.

    The Seattle Times
  • Words in review: 'Follow your passions!'

    Sapna Cheryan, professor of psychology at the UW, and her colleagues want U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to consider not telling grads to, "Follow your passions," in his commencement address on Saturday. Instead, in this interview Cheryan shares alternative advice for graduating students.

  • A resume loses its shine

    Eason Yang (MDes 2022) talks about his competitive streak and the creation of his project Not Entirely Dead on KOUW's podcast Ten Thousand Things with Shin Yu Pai.

  • Not quite by the book

    For the past few years, Preston Wadley (MFA 1977) has been thinking about those people who visit a museum or gallery and spend—at most—15 seconds looking at a work of art. How could he keep them longer, he wondered. How could he change their views? His answer to that question is now on display at the Bellevue Arts Museum in an exhibition titled “Abstract Truth.”

    The University of Washington Magazine
  • Overlooked no more: Alice Ball, chemist who created a treatment for leprosy

    After Alice Ball died -- and just a year after her discovery of a treatment for leprosy -- another scientist took credit for her work. It would be more than half a century until her story resurfaced. Quintard Taylor, professor emeritus of history at the UW, is quoted.

    The New York Times
  • ‘Freedom’s Path’: A UW alum’s Civil War feature

    “Freedom’s Path” is an ambitious Civil War film with genuinely impressive production quality, but quite a few narrative missteps. The film, which took over 10 years to make, is writer, director, and UW alum Brett Smith’s first feature film. Read contributing writer Justin Shen's full film review. 

    The Daily
  • A history of innovation: How Seattle changed the world

    Ever wonder what the world would be like without planes, computer software and online shopping? Thanks to progressive Seattle innovators and change-makers, the world is a much better place to live, work and play. Margaret O'Mara, professor of history at the UW, is quoted. Parse Biosciences, a UW spinout company, is mentioned.

  • What does it mean to be a literate Black man in America?

    Max Hunter is an academic, a teacher, an activist, a father, a UW alum, and now, an author. At a recent University Book Store event, Hunter celebrated the release of his book, titled “Speech Is My Hammer: Black Male Literacy Narratives in the Age of Hip-Hop.” Read writer Chaitna Deshmukh's recap of the event and author.

    The Daily
  • With Psychology, a Gaming Career

    Jeff Lin (2012), obsessed with video games as a child, now leads teams of game developers at Horizon Metaverse — with the help of his UW PhD in psychology.

    January 2023 Perspectives
  • Connecting with Native Communities

    Community and mentorship made all the difference to Sherri Berdine (2008) as an Alaska Native (Aleut & CIRI Descendent) UW student. Now she's the University's Director of Tribal Relations.

    January 2023 Perspectives
  • An Animated Life

    Nathan Jones (2015) tells stories through animation. Both of his UW degrees — creative writing and art — are reflected in is his work. 

    January 2023 Perspectives
  • Becoming Grammar Girl

    Known to millions as Grammar Girl, successful author and podcaster Mignon Coughlin Fogarty got her start as a UW English major. 

    January 2023 Perspectives