
  • A fading weapon in the HIV fight: Condoms

    Some H.I.V. experts worry that the public health focus on prevention medication has accelerated a decline in condom use. Steven Goodreau, professor of anthropology at the UW, is quoted.
    02/28/2024 | The New York Times
  • A Closer Look at Teens & Digital Technology

    The impact of digital technology on teens' mental health is the focus of a new course developed by Lucia Magis-Weinberg in the UW Department of Psychology.

    February 2024 Perspectives
  • How a Chemistry Lab is Transforming Clinical Research

    Ashleigh Theberge's UW lab creates bioanalytical chemistry tools. Some are transforming how clinical studies can be conducted. 

    February 2024 Perspectives
  • Happiness boosters: Smiles, gratitude, a wandering walk

    While the seasons and our genetic dispositions play a role in our ability to feel happiness, our daily actions and choices also have a significant effect, experts say. Milla Titova, assistant teaching professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    Axios Seattle
  • Holiday blahs? Why social connection, even talking to strangers, can help

    Milla Titova, assistant teaching professor of psychology and director of the Happiness and Well-Being Lab at the UW, offers strategies for joy this holiday season.
    UW News
  • Small UW study on alcohol, caffeine, sleep yields ‘unexpected finding’

    UW researchers discovered an “unexpected finding” while studying the effects of alcohol and caffeine on sleep. Frank Song, a doctoral student of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    The Seattle Times
  • How lockdowns affected teen brains

    Pandemic-related lockdowns were hard on everyone, but a growing body of research suggests they were especially hard on young people. Now a new study scanning adolescent brain seems to be backing some of those suspicions. Patricia Kuhl, professor of speech and hearing sciences at the UW and co-director of the UW Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, is interviewed. [This interview is part of a roundup and begins at 27:05]
    CBC Radio
  • UW study asks: Can caffeine and booze cancel each other out at bedtime?

    Researchers from UW’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences discovered that drinking your morning coffee and then an alcoholic beverage before bed cancels the negative effects on your sleep. Frank Song, a doctoral student of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    KIRO 7
  • Milk is an evolutionary marvel

    No one can really describe what milk is -- least of all the people who think most often about it. Melanie Martin, assistant professor of anthropology at the UW, is quoted.
    The Atlantic
  • Scalpel, forceps, bone drill: modern medicine in ancient Rome

    A 2,000-year-old collection of medical tools, recently unearthed in Hungary, offer insight into the practices of undaunted, much-maligned Roman doctors. Lawrence J. Bliquez, professor emeritus of classics and art history at the UW, is quoted.

    The New York Times
  • Are brain implants a privacy issue?

    Brain-computer interface technology can benefit people with disabilities by restoring mobility and communication. Sara Goering, professor of philosophy at the UW, says it also allows potentially monetizable access to the center of our thoughts and feelings.

  • Analysis: Including race in clinical algorithms can both reduce and increase health inequities -- it depends on what doctors use them for

    "Health practitioners are increasingly concerned that because race is a social construct, and the biological mechanisms of how race affects clinical outcomes are often unknown, including race in predictive algorithms for clinical decision-making may worsen inequities," writes Anirban Basu, professor of health economics at the UW.

    The Conversation
  • I'm a child psychologist -- I never do these 5 things with my kid

    Parents get an endless supply of rules and unsolicited opinions about what to do and what not to do with their kids. But the truth is there's no handbook. Shannon Dorsey, professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.

  • How the conversation around eating disorders is changing for women of color

    All women and girls are susceptible to eating disorders and poor body image, but because of misleading medical terminology, popular-media images, and a lack of overall awareness and training, the issue and remedies are framed almost exclusively around white women. But individuals and organizations are working to shift the discussion and unveil the true complexities of eating disorders, particularly in relation to minoritized communities. Timeka Tounsel, assistant professor of Black studies in communication at the UW, is quoted.

    The Seattle Medium
  • Infants less likely to contract COVID, develop severe symptoms than household caregivers

    In one of the first studies to explore how COVID-19 specifically affects older infants, researchers from the University of Washington and at institutions at four other locations in the Western and Southern U.S. found that the number of infected people in a household was the factor most closely linked with the infant’s likelihood of being infected.

    UW News