
  • Undergrad’s Novel Optioned for a Movie

    At age 19, UW undergrad Zoe Hana Mikuta had already secured a two-book deal with Macmillan Publishers.

    April 2021 Perspectives
  • Inclusive Biology Lessons with a Global Reach

    UW senior Ishira Parikh helped create an award-winning curriculum using what she'd learned through UW courses and volunteer activities. 

    April 2021 Perspectives
  • Creating Community on TikTok

    UW senior Hunter Brown has  275,000 TikTok followers. A UW Communication course helped him build his online community. 

    April 2021 Perspectives
  • The UW through an Indigenous Lens

    UW senior Owen Oliver grew up on the UW campus. Now he wants others in his community to feel at home at the University.

    January 2021 Perspectives
  • Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Patricia Dawson

    Sutapa Basu, Director of the Alene Moris Women's Center, reflects on the life and legacy of board member, donor, and Making Connections program founder, Dr. Patricia Dawson.

    12/18/2020 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • A Place for History

    As chief historian for the National Park Service, Turkiya Lowe (PhD, History, 2010) helps bring history to life.

    December 2020 Perspectives
  • Filmmaking from the heart

    Award-winning screenwriter, playwright and novelist La'Chris Jordan, (BA, Communications, 2001), tells a timely and personal story in her debut short film.

    UW Magazine
  • Connecting Communities with Health Care

    Concerned about the lack of health coverage for undocumented individuals, UW senior Marium Raza is taking action.

    October 2020 Perspectives

    Louis Maliyam, ’21, came to the U.S. for computer science — and along the way discovered dance.

    University of Washington
  • Acting Let Rainn Wilson Erase His ‘Hopelessly Nerdy’ Image

    Rainn Wilson, a UW School of Drama alumnus, discusses his life and career. 

    The Wall Street Journal
  • Why is processed food so sweet? Alum looks for answers in our genes


    As a kid growing up in Kennewick, Danielle Reed (BA, Psychology, 1984), was drawn to eating kale, dandelion and other sharp-flavored greens—but their bitter taste repelled most of her friends. That made her wonder why. When she was a student at the UW in the 1980s, she learned about the study of physiological psychology, or the biological explanations for how our minds work. Next came the opportunity to conduct research that examined animals’ food intake and what drove their approach to food.

    UW Magazine
  • She Is BlackRock’s New Star After Sealing Argentina’s Debt Deal

    She's spent little time in Latin America and her Spanish, by her own account, is just “mas o menos.” She’d never coaxed a deal out of proud, broke governments. Yet in a single week, Jennifer O’Neil (BS, Mathematical Biology, '02), helped seal the debt restructuring of Argentina and Ecuador, propelling her into prominence at BlackRock Inc. and in the clubby, male-dominated world of sovereign bond negotiations.

  • A Gift for Language

    A love of languages and a long career with the CIA inspired Helen Louise Noyes (BA, 1969) to support UW students studying challenging languages. 

    August 2020 Perspectives
  • Translating a Crisis

    As a UW undergrad, Amanda Doxtater fell in love with the Swedish book Kris (Crisis). As a UW professor, she completed its first translation into English. 

    August 2020 Perspectives
  • Transforming How We Live, Work, and Play

    Stephen Bader (UW IxD BDes 2014) and Alanna MacGowan (UW MFA 2010) work at Microsoft Envisioning and explore how people will live, work, and play five to seven years in the future. 

    UW Design Alum