
  • Global Visionaries: Dustin Mara

    Dustin Mara, Class of 2022, shares about his global upbringing, his vision for intersecting culture, language, and type design, and what he is looking forward to about his future career.

    03/01/2023 | UW News
  • Q&A: UW historian explores how a Husky alum influenced postcolonial Sudan

    Christopher Tounsel, associate professor of history at the University of Washington, found multiple connections between Sudan and Seattle while researching his upcoming book. The most prominent was the late Andrew Brimmer, a UW alum who in 1966 became the first Black member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

    02/01/2023 | UW News
  • Four UW researchers named AAAS Fellows in 2022

    Four University of Washington researchers have been named AAAS Fellows, according to a Jan. 31 announcement by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. They are among 506 new fellows from around the world elected in 2022, who are recognized for their scientifically and socially distinguished achievements in science and engineering.

    01/31/2023 | UW News
  • UW professor Stephanie Kerschbaum asks readers to challenge how they notice disability in new book

    The idea for UW English professor Stephanie Kerschbaum’s book “Signs of Disability” started with only one sign: a yellow road sign in her neighborhood that read “Deaf Person in Area.” Read writer Shira Zur's recap of the moment that lead to the creation of the Kerschbaum’s book.

    01/20/2023 | The Daily
  • New Faculty Spotlight: Sama Ahmed

    Sama Ahmed, Assistant Professor of Psychology, discusses his research and what he looks forward to at the University of Washington.

    01/10/2023 | University of Washington Research
  • New Faculty Spotlight: Gabriel Cler

    Gabriel Cher, Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences, discusses their research and what they look forward to at the University of Washington.

    01/10/2023 | University of Washington Research
  • New Faculty Spotlight: Gabriel Cler

    Gabriel Cher discusses their research and what they look forward to at the University of Washington.

    01/10/2023 | University of Washington Research
  • New Faculty Spotlight: Z Yan Wang

    Z Yan Wang, Assistant Professor in Psychology and Biology, discusses her research and what she looks forward to at the University of Washington.

    01/10/2023 | University of Washington Research
  • With Psychology, a Gaming Career

    Jeff Lin (2012), obsessed with video games as a child, now leads teams of game developers at Horizon Metaverse — with the help of his UW PhD in psychology.

    January 2023 Perspectives
  • Connecting with Native Communities

    Community and mentorship made all the difference to Sherri Berdine (2008) as an Alaska Native (Aleut & CIRI Descendent) UW student. Now she's the University's Director of Tribal Relations.

    January 2023 Perspectives
  • An Animated Life

    Nathan Jones (2015) tells stories through animation. Both of his UW degrees — creative writing and art — are reflected in is his work. 

    January 2023 Perspectives
  • Becoming Grammar Girl

    Known to millions as Grammar Girl, successful author and podcaster Mignon Coughlin Fogarty got her start as a UW English major. 

    January 2023 Perspectives
  • Faculty Feature: Katy Pearce

    Katy Pearce, an associate professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Washington (UW), is dedicated to advancing research in the field of social and political uses of technology, while also supporting students and colleagues. With a focus on digital divides and inequalities and the use of information and communication technologies for marginalized people and social movements in non-democratic states, Pearce is passionate about bridging the gap between the theoretical and lived experiences of people around the world.

    University of Washington Libraries
  • Sleeping in Seattle: Meet Horacio de la Iglesia

    Learn about the sleep scientist and UW professor of biology, Horacio de la Iglesia, whose influential sleep research helped demonstrate the benefits of delaying school start times for Seattle high schoolers. Read writer Nicole Reeve-Parker's Faculty Friday, Spotlight.

    The Whole U
  • LaShawnDa Pittman Shows the Love

    LaShawnDa Pittman, American ethnic studies and sociology professor, is excited to think together as the newest Hanauer appointee. Pittman's research centers socially marginalized women and those living with poor health resources/outcomes. Interrogate notions of “Western Civilization" in class and/or discuss what matters to you at an upcoming salon talk.

    UW News