Meet the mysterious particle that’s the dark horse in dark matter
Gray Rybka, associate professor of physics, explains the difference between WIMPS and axions, both of which are hard-to-spot theoretical, subatomic particles.
What Is Spacetime Really Made Of?
Natalie Paquette, assistant professor of physics, explains new scientific theories
around the concepts of space and time. -
UW physics professor receives grant to study nuclear waste
Physics professor Gerald Seidler has been awarded an $800,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to create waste disposal caskets for nuclear fuel byproducts.
Natural Sciences Division Welcomes 12 New Faculty Members
New hires will join colleagues in the departments of Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, and Statistics.
Dianne Harris named dean of UW College of Arts & Sciences
University of Washington Provost Mark A. Richards today announced Dianne Harris will become dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, beginning Sept. 1.
ArtSci Roundup: Will Rawls: Everlasting Stranger, Grit City Think & Drink: Global Themes in World History since 1500 in Five Images, and More
Through public events and exhibitions, connect with the UW community every week! This week, attend gallery exhibitions, watch recorded events, and more.
Husky 100
The 2021 Husky 100, a group of 100 students making the most of their time at the UW, have been announced.
ArtSci Roundup: A new Measure: the Revolutionary Quantum Reform of the Metric System, Sacred Breath: Indigenous Writing and Storytelling Series, and more
This week at the UW, attend a lecture on revolutionary reforms to the metric system, "Asian American Women Rising: NOT the Model Minority," and more.
FASER is born: new experiment will study particles that interact with dark matter
Several UW faculty members, researchers, and students are involved in the FASER collaboration, which studies interactions of high-energy particles.
First results from Muon g-2 experiment strengthen evidence of new physics
David Hertzog, professor of physics, explains the results of new research on muons, a type of particle.
A Tiny Particle’s Wobble Could Upend the Known Laws of Physics
Evidence is mounting that a tiny subatomic particle called a muon is disobeying the laws of physics as we thought we knew them, scientists announced on Wednesday. David Hertzog, professor of physics at the UW, is mentioned.
Big Physics News: The Muon g-2 Experiment Explained
Particles called muons are behaving weirdly and it could mean a huge discovery. David Hertzog, professor of physics at the UW, is interviewed on the “60-Second Science” podcast.
University of Washington graduate and professional disciplines rank highly in US News’ ‘Best Graduate School’ lists
Over 100 UW graduate and professional programs have been ranked by U.S. News & World Report to be among the top 35 in the nation.
A New Twist Reveals Superconductivity’s Secrets
An unexpected superconductor was beginning to look like a fluke, but a new theory and a second discovery has revealed that emergent quasiparticles may be behind the effect. Matthew Yankowitz, assistant professor of physics at the UW, is quoted.
Quantum Mechanics for a General Audience
UW Physics Professor Miguel Morales has penned a math-free tour of quantum mechanics and technology